When The Penalties Are Harsh, You Need A Strong Defense
Facing serious criminal charges? You need a defense strategy as soon as possible. The police are already preparing their case against you. Who will prepare your defense?
At Cheltenham Law, PLLC, Michael Cheltenham is our criminal defense attorney. With over 25 years of experience in criminal defense and as a prosecutor, he is thoroughly prepared to defend people in the Lansing area in serious cases. From aggravated operating while intoxicated (OWI) cases to violent crimes and sex offenses, he has handled nearly every type of criminal charge in Michigan. Learn how he can help you today by calling 517-652-0007.
How Can We Help?
When the consequences are dire, you must have a strong defense attorney on your side. We provide a strategic defense designed to minimize charges or, when possible, get them dismissed. You can come to our firm for assistance with:
OWI: We handle complex OWI cases that involve multiple or subsequent OWI charges as well as “super drunk” cases. In addition, we defend people in aggravated OWI cases that involve having a child under 16 in the vehicle, or causing injury to another person and/or property damage. In these situations, you will likely face a prison sentence if you severely injure or kill another person.
Child sex offenses: Nothing can destroy a reputation faster than being accused of a sex crime involving a child. If you face charges, it is imperative that you contact an experienced lawyer today. Whether it’s child pornography or sexual assault, you need a tough defense.
Violent crime offenses: A simple fistfight is one thing. Being charged with aggravated assault, assault with a deadly weapon or homicide is another matter. In these types of cases, you will need a strategic attorney with decades of experience.
Attorney Michael also understands that being charged with a crime is difficult to process. You may feel scared, overwhelmed, embarrassed or angry. These are all valid feelings and we will help you and your family get through them.
Reach Out To A Former Prosecutor
Attorney Michael spent years prosecuting criminal cases for the state. He knows what is at stake for you and your family if you are convicted. Call us today at 517-652-0007 for a consultation with a knowledgeable attorney. You can send us an email if you prefer.